November Update
Family Orphanages Trip To Kiev
Committee member Duncan MacRae has produced an excellent update on the Kiev Trip, which is now available to view on the website.
Use the link below to view this excellent update.
New Videos On Website
We have uploaded two new videos to the Dnipro Kids website, use the links below to view them.
Ten year anniversary video….
Video tribute to Ira Polyashova….
Autumn Birthday Trips
For the Autumn birthday trips we decided to visit a couple of the new shopping centres that have recently opened up in Dnipropetrovsk. One of the centres has a newly opened bowling alley. The second one we visited, with the younger kids, has an excellent amusement. Both also had a nice selection of restaurants…the older kids chose pizza!
The first trip that we organised was for the older kids, so it was the bowling trip. After the bowling we laid on food at the pizza restaurant, and then handed out the birthday gifts that the kids had requested. The birthday gifts requested ranged from clothes and trainers, right through to gaming headset and mobile phone.
I’ve included some photos taken on the trip.

The second trip, for the younger kids, was to the amusement arcade. Presents requested by the younger kids included jackets, jeans and roller skates. Have a look at the photos below.

All the kids had a great time, and loved the presents we got for them.
Topolinaya Orphanage Trip
During the school holidays we organised a trip for the Topolinaya orphanage kids. The Topolinaya orphanage is the last “large” orphanage that we support, and most of the kids have either left or been transfered to one of the smaller “family” orphanages. It was also used as an emergency home for some of the families affected by the troubles in the east. I suspect that in the coming year it will either close down, or be used purely as an emergency refuge for displaced families from the war zone.
Whilst we still have some of our kids there though we will continue to support them, with holiday and birthday trips. In September, during the school holidays, we took the kids on a day trip which included climbing, skating and a nice lunch.

Family Orphanages Holiday Trip
On the river Dnieper, close to the city of Zaporozhia, is the famous island of Hortitsa. The history of this island stretches back around 700 years, and is argued to have been the birth place of the fearsome Cossack warriors. The island was home to the Zaporzhian Cossacks, and it was here that the warriors spent many years training and perfecting their battle skills.
Today the island is classed as a national reserve, and is home to two Cossack museum villages. One village shows the way that Cossacks would live and train, and includes a spectacular show of Cossack fighting and impressive horse skills. The second village is a reconstruction of the old Cossack fort, and includes many buildings and an impressive wooded church. It has amazing views over the river Dnieper towards the city of Zaporozhia, and the large, Soviet built, Zaporozhia dam.

First stop for the kids was the Cossack horse show. They were overwhelmed by the impressive skills of the Cossacks, and some were even asked to come out of the stand and join in with the show. After the show was finished they were even allowed to have a ride on the horses!

After a visit to the museum cafe, and with a belly full of hot tasty borscht, the kids moved on to the second village. Here there were guides that talked them through how the village had been constructed, and how the Cossacks would have lived around 300-400 years ago.

Natalie, a member of our Dnipro Kids team based in Dnipro, tells us that the kids all said that they had an amazing time!
Dnipro Appeal Charity Dinner
Our Charity Dinner was a huge success, and arguably one of the best we’ve ever had. The feedback from all those that attended was that it was an excellent night, and the entertainment was spot on.

Michelle McManus was outstanding, and we sincerely hope that she will be able to compere for us again at some point in the future.

It was also nice to have a table full of Hibs players in attendance as well, and it was nice of them to spend time chatting to those that attended and to allow guests to get their photos taken with them.

Just like the kids in Ukraine, we were treated to our own Cossack show with the Orlyk Black Sea Cossack dancers in attendance.

If there is one date that is a must for your diary for next year, it has to be the Dnipro Appeal Charity Dinner!
Upcoming Projects
As the John Lewis advert hits our TV screens, we too are looking towards Christmas, and are currently looking into what we can provide for the kids over the festive period. A big part of what we will be able to do will depend on the funds that we have, so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Child Sponsors for their continued support…and their monthly donations. It will go a long way to ensuring that they have another Christmas they can remember fondly.
If you don’t make a monthly donation but would still like to contribute towards our Christmas fund, please click here to make an online donation.
Many thanks,
Steven Carr