Shestukha family

We are Sasha Chuprina and Marina Shestukha. In February 2004, five small children appeared in our family: four boys and one girl.

Our house was suddenly filled with joy, noise and a lot of problems and worries.

As the years passed, the children grew up.

And God encouraged us to help other children in need. In 2012, we created a family-type orphanage and took in five more children, and in 2017, nine more children appeared.

When the war broke out in our country in 2022, we needed to save the lives of children, and we turned to Dniprokids for help.

The Dniprokids team organized a quick and safe evacuation for our family to Poland, and then to Scotland. They took care of us during the period of adaptation to a new place. They organized holidays, excursions, gifts and everything necessary for children to forget the horrors of war. 

Now we live in a beautiful comfortable house, children study at school, attend different sections. 

They began to rejoice and smile more often. 

May the Lord bless the open hearts of our Scottish friends!

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