Ionova family

It all started for me in 1988 back in the USSR, later in 2014 Sasha Kapuza (my husband) was appointed instead of me. During all this time, we raised and have given more than 60 children a start in life, along with the 8 that we have now. After I turned 60, I stopped counting, even for me now it doesn’t seem real the amount of work we’ve done. I can imagine how other people look at us and can’t believe that it is possible to raise so many children. Looking back at the years I’ve lived, I wonder myself how did I manage. But I had an iron motivation – children. Having given birth to 5 children myself, I had no right to give up, I had to give them everything that parents in ordinary families give to children. And while parenting my own children I also realized I have so much love and care to give to those kids who don’t have living and loving parents so I pulled myself up and did everything I could even through the most difficult years. I was able to provide both education and support for all of them. 

It is difficult for us now but we must endure and not only survive but show as much positive to the children as possible.

We are so thankful to Dniprokids for been our friend for so many years, giving kids nice memories that they will treasure for all their live.

Hugs and kisses to everyone from our family, good luck, peace and happiness to you all. We love you

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